Posts Tagged ‘Shows’

Bad news for people who love good news

Wednesday, March 12th, 2008

Hey there!

Good news and bad news.

The cd is almost finished. It contains 12 songs, most of them new, some you already know. And it rocks.

The bad news is… it’s not coming out until late this year/early next year. Actually, it’s not all bad news, because there’s a good reason for the delay.

I started playing drums in a very nice, cosy, succesful and talented band called Only Seven Left. We’ll be releasing a single and videoclip and playing shows every week, so there’s not much time left for Impossible Situations. But I’m in no hurry, if I like the songs now, I will still like them in a few months.

So. Don’t hold your breath, just listen to the older songs here in the player or on MySpace, and come check out Only Seven Left some time! We actually play one IS-song, Worst Friend Award.

Hope to see you soon!


Mariaplaats, Utrecht

Sunday, March 25th, 2007

March 25, 2007 we played at the Mariaplaats in Utrecht at the Culturele Zondag.

How are you doing?

Tuesday, January 30th, 2007

Hey kids! Just a blahblahblog to check on you. How are you?

I’m doing fine. As you can see on my photo, I got my hair cut. I’m kinda still getting used to it but it rockssss! I feel completely reborn!

Click for more blahblah…